Listen to this post read to you by yours truly ^
I think that one day I’ll look back on this moment with one of these two perspectives… a) Why didn’t I start a weekly newsletter sooner? or b) that was a total dumpster fire of time and energy.
Could there be an in-between? Most likely. But why don’t we let the sheer polarity of those two thoughts drive us towards something spectacular, huh?
So here’s the deal. I watched a 13-minute video from one of my favorite youtubers—Ali Abdaal. He spoke about how a weekly newsletter helped him grow financially and just gave him more inspiration for the other work he was focusing on.
I figured, why not give that a shot with a free newsletter tool and a keyboard (I mean, what could go wrong?).
See, I’ve found myself thinking a lot recently. Thinking about Life and death, the limitations of time and how to maximize the time we are given, and the simple things like musical chord progressions and new apps on my phone.
These things, big and small, really are what make us.. us. The thoughts we have, the things we enjoy, the challenges we face, they all make up a piece of who we are. They make us—individuals.
So, here’s my idea: Write down the particles (pieces) of my week that are shaping me into who God has called me to be.
Just like my Daily Photography Challenge found on my Instagram, I want to not just write these things down—I want to share them with others.
My time on this earth is limited and numbered, so why wouldn’t I share the things I’ve been learning and the principles and practices that have made me grow?
So1, I present to you “Particles of a Waldron”; a weekly newsletter feed featuring everything I’m learning, enjoying, and thinking about.
Please, feel free to unsubscribe at the bottom of this email if this is not what you signed up for—I know, I never imagined doing anything like this. Trust me, it won’t hurt my feelings, it will make me feel better not emailing someone who is simply not interested.
📜 Scripture I’m SOAKING in this week
The Book of Joshua
I’ve been reading (and listening via Dwell) to the book of Joshua over the last 2 weeks. I must say, the way the Lord delivers these nations into the hands of his people is actually wild. The biggest note from my journal this week on this was:
“Be strong and courageous when walking in the will of God. As I lead and serve the people within my influence, I must listen to the Lord and share what He has called us to do with strong conviction and encouragement“
🎧 Music I’m JAMMING to this week
📚 Book(s) I’m LOVING this week
Redeeming Your Time; Jordan Raynor
This book has been an absolute game changer for my life. From being able to focus more on the things that matter, to reducing “dropping the ball” to a rarity—These biblical principles will change your life
On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness; Andrew Peterson
This book is a fun intro to a fantasy saga written by a believer and singer-songwriter. It’s been a blast to listen to with my wife over the last few weeks.
I say “so”, so very often. I write it all the time. This newsletter truly is my mind spilled onto a page.